Physio Kyneton

Musculoskeletal repair and recovery

Physio Kyenton - hand on back - Good Self Integrated Health


Combining hands-on care with supportive exercise-based treatment plans.

Our Physiotherapists in Kyneton come packed with new-aged thinking about how to take care of an injury using hands-on approaches (on the table) alongside exercise-based treatment plans to help you recover quickly and efficiently.

Our Physios go beyond just treating the symptoms of your issue, but will thoroughly assess your body and biomechanics to understand any underlying functions that will become the focal point for recovery.

At Good Self we’re geared up to also provide Physio care for those on Medicare Enhanced Primary Care schemes as well as WorkSafe, TAC, NDIS and DVA.

How can Physio help?

  • Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Pre and post-natal conditions
  • Managing arthritis
  • Managing and reducing chronic pain
  • Reducing back pain (acute and chronic)
  • Reducing headaches and miragine pain
Physio Kyneton session  using acupuncture - Good Self Integrated Health

Pregnancy Physio Kyneton

Our physiotherapists have special training in Pregnancy and Post-partum health which means that they can help reduce aches and pains associated with a rapidly growing body and can assist in preparing the body for labour, with the aim of promoting a strong and healthy recovery.


  • Pelvic pain
  • Returning to sport / exercise after having a baby
  • Neck and shoulder pain related to breast feeding
  • Lower back and hip pain / immobility
  • Diastatis recti (DRAM) known as abdominal separation
Good Self Integrated Health Osteopath pregnancy 3


Initial consultation: $135

Standard follow up: $95

Clinical Pilates Starter Pack: $260

Physio Pilates

Clinical Pilates is ‘active’ therapy, because we know that movement is key to recovery!

Any of our Clinical Pilates group classes can be tailored to somebody who is pregnant or recovering from birth.

In our group sessions you’ll be working on your own tailored treatment plan curated and created by your practitioner. Classes are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, as well as pregnancy-prone pain points like hips, back and shoulder pain (due to breast feeding).

Our Pilates studio combines work on the reformer, trapeze, matwork and pelvic floor training, stretching and mobilty work.

Physio Kyneton - Clinical Pilates session - Good Self Integrated Health
Good Self Integrative Health Team - Shae Klemke - Physio Kyneton


Shae has been working as a Physiotherapist in a number of different capacities since graduating with a Bachelor of Health Science and Masters of Physiotherapy in 2013. Shae’s most recent roles have seen her working with NDIS clients with varying physical and psychological disabilities as well as passionately working with elderly patients through home care packages.

Shae is well informed and experienced and has a passion for helping over 50’s to move better and age well and mostly recently working with pre and post natal patients at Melbourne Pregnancy and Pelvic Physio.